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Researching and Writing


How to apply


I / Application

In order to be considered for a position within our organization, all applicants are required to carefully complete the designated application form available on the careers page of our website. This step is essential to ensure that your application is properly reviewed and processed by our recruitment team.

II / Recruiters Filter

Recruiters are required to meticulously filter and distinguish between genuine applications and those that do not meet professional standards. This process is crucial to maintaining the high level of talent and professionalism that we seek within our organization. Our team ensures that only the most serious and qualified candidates are considered for further evaluation.

III / Interviews

The Chief Human Resources Officer will need to conduct interviews with applicants to assess their level of commitment, ambitions, and understanding of our project, in order to filter potential candidates.

IV / Executive Board Vote

The Chief Human Resources Officer will present all selected candidates during the monthly Executive Board meeting, where the Executive Board will vote to either accept or reject the player’s entry into the team. The votes are confidential and reviewed during the monthly Executive Board meeting.

If the applicant receives an equal number of accept and reject votes, the CEO will make the final decision.

​​V / Admission Certificate

Once the voting process is complete, depending on the proportion of votes, the Applicant will either be accepted into the team or declined. In both cases, they will be notified of the outcome.

If the Applicant is declined, they will receive a formal message informing them of the decision.

If the Applicant is accepted, they will receive an admission certificate and will be contacted to proceed with signing a contract.

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